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2014年4月1日 星期二

代購 - 暗瘡救星美國 Acne.org 暗瘡護理產品

外國Youtubers 強烈推介,受暗瘡困擾的朋友如果用過市面上的暗瘡產品都無效的話,就要試下呢個品牌睇下對你有無幫忙喇!! 始終每個人的皮膚情況, 對暗瘡產品的反應都不同, 所以真係要試用過先知對自己有無效既~~

更多產品詳情及真實個案分享:  美國官網  http://www.acne.org/

1) 8oz Regimen Kit (3 steps 基礎暗瘡護理組)  $500(包順豐快遞自取)
• 8 oz. (236ml) Cleanser (潔面凝膠)
• 8 oz. (236ml)  Treatment (2.5% benzoyl peroxide) 抗痘凝膠 *明星產品
• 8 oz. (236ml)  Moisturizer (保濕乳液)

   16oz Regimen Big Kit  $890(包順豐快遞自取)
• 16 oz. (472ml) Cleanser (潔面凝膠)
• 16 oz. (472ml)   Treatment (2.5% benzoyl peroxide) 抗痘凝膠 *明星產品
• 16 oz. (472ml)   Moisturizer (保濕乳液)

2) 8 oz. (236ml) Cleanser (潔面凝膠) $170 (包平郵)
    16 oz. (472ml) Cleanser (潔面凝膠) $240(包順豐快遞自取)
Generously sized ultra-gentle liquid cleanser in a pH balanced formula which doesn't overdry. Unscented and dye-free, lathers well, and rinses clean.

3) 8 oz. (236ml) Treatment (2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide) 抗痘凝膠   $255(包平郵)[約 2-3個月份量]

4) 16 oz. (472ml) Treatment (2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide) 抗痘凝膠 $450(包順豐快遞自取)[約 4-6個月份量] 
  • The formula contains an optimal 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Studies show that 2.5% works as well as 10% solutions, without the excessive dryness and irritation.
  • Benzoyl peroxide has been clinically proven to quickly kill over 99.9% of acne bacteria.
  • Benzoyl peroxide contained is pharmaceutical grade and triple milled so it penetrates the skin better than many benzoyl peroxide products.

5) 8 oz. (236ml) Moisturizer (保濕乳液)  $245(包平郵)
    16 oz. (472ml)   Moisturizer (保濕乳液) $380(包順豐快遞自取)
Overly dry skin perpetuates the acne cycle. Since benzoyl peroxide is a drying and peeling agent, it is important to properly rehydrate the skin. This generously sized, intensely hydrating, non-comedogenic lotion eliminates dry skin and flakiness completely, while soothing acne-prone skin. It goes on clear and absorbs quickly, leaving n
o residue. It has a super-light feel and is fragrance-free and dye-free. Use it liberally without fear.
This moisturiser is a yellow color due to licochalcone, an ultra-calming liquorice root extract.
Note: To avoid staining light colored clothing, allow moisturizer to dry for a minute or so before dressing.

6) 6 oz.AHA+ 果酸乳液 $255(包平郵)
  16 oz.AHA+ 果酸乳液 $430(包順豐快遞自取)
Glycolic acid (a.k.a. alpha hydroxy acid – AHA) powerfully exfoliates and helps bring new skin cells to the surface, which helps the complexion appear smoother. This product is a super high quality, completely non-comedogenic, 10% glycolic acid in a light feeling lotion which goes on clear and spreads easily. Just like Acne.org Moisturizer, AHA+ also contains licochalcone, a molecule isolated from licorice root extract which helps calm acne-prone skin. It is fragrance-free and dye-free.

*Note: Use AHA+ only every 2-3 days a week at night on full face to replace the moisturiser; or dilute it 1/2 and 1/2 with moisturizer if using every day. Beware to apply sunscreen on daytime 

以上圖片取自ACNE.ORG 官網

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