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2014年7月23日 星期三

代購 - Medik8 Hydr8 B5 Serum (B5+透明質酸保濕精華)

Medik8 Hydr8 B5 Serum (B5+透明質酸保濕精華)

Medik8 是英國的一所皮膚研究公司,專門採用嶄新科技去識別和混合原材料的有效成分,針對最敏感的皮膚,開發具療效且著重效力的產品。

30ml 貨裝:  $520 包平郵


主要成份 : 維他命 B5(Pantothenic Acid)、透明質酸(Hyaluronic Acid)

~著名國際化妝師 Lisa Eldridge 都大力推介呢支oil-free 保濕精華, 特別係容易生暗瘡但又缺水需保濕的膚質使用 (acne prone but dehydrated skin)

~香港youtuber "neat freaks diary" 都有用呢支精華架

Skin Rehydration Serum with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin B5.

Using Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) to soften and Hyaluronic Acid to add much needed moisture, it keeps the skin hydrated around the clock.

If your skin is stressed and irritated, this product also contains anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe and heal the skin. This gel-formula is lightweight and oil-free, so it never lingers on the skin. Keeping your skin hydrated is important to maintain a smooth and line free skin texture.

Designed to offer effective hydration and relief to skin, Hydr8 B5 can restore the moisture balance in skin ranging from dry to oily. If you have dry skin, use this in conjunction with a moisturiser, or a perfect standalone product for those with oily or acneic skin.
  • Improves the skin’s resistance to stress and protects the skin from environmental damage
  • Enhances water retention in the skin cells
  • Suitable for all skin types
Use Hydr8 B5 in the morning or at night, to give your face superb protection and to achieve rebalanced levels of moisture that will maintain the skin’s hydration for up to 24 hours.

Paraben and fragrance free.

