CLEAROGEN: Hormonal Acne Solution
{treating existing acne + preventing future breakouts}
CLEAROGEN 是產自美國的暗瘡護理品牌, CLEAROGEN 以"雞尾酒療法", 採用不同治療暗瘡的有效成份,同時亦加入天然草本成份專門針對引起暗瘡的主要成因 "DHT", 全方面治療暗瘡, 尤其是由身體內荷爾蒙引致的石頭瘡 (如: 成人痘/ 青春期暗瘡/ 生理痘)
一般大家都有聽過毛孔被油脂堵塞及 P. acnes 細菌會導致暗瘡, 但其實這兩種情況是起源於皮膚內油脂腺分泌過多油脂,而研究發現油脂分泌過盛是完全由身體內一種荷爾蒙副產品 "DHT" 造成的
"DHT or Dihydro-testosterone" 存在於所有人身體中,不論男女; 當處於青春期/女士生理期前後/荷爾蒙分泌不平衡時, 體內 DHT 的水平會升高並與依附於皮膚內油脂腺上的男性荷爾蒙感受體(androgen
receptor)結合, 令到油脂腺受到過份的刺激而大量分泌油脂, 而因油脂位處毛孔深處, 不能靠洗面洗走, 所以若過多的油脂不斷堆積就會堵塞毛孔, 進一步當油脂接觸空氣氧化以及接觸 P. acnes 細菌後就會形成發炎甚至暗瘡; 所以 DHT 才是引致暗瘡的主要真正成因
{treating existing acne as well as preventing future breakouts}
1) Clearogen 產品含有2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide, 能有效殺死皮膚上的P. acnes暗瘡菌, 加快已形成暗瘡的癒合;
2) 含有Salicylic acid (水楊酸), 水楊酸是脂溶性的,可以順著分泌油脂的皮脂腺滲入毛孔的深層,有利於溶解毛孔內老舊堆積的油脂和角質層,改善毛孔阻塞的情形; 另外水楊酸可以去除表皮多餘的角質層,同時促進表皮細胞快速更新
3) 獨特天然草本成份能降低體內DHT水平; 阻截男性荷爾蒙感受體
(androgen receptor)與DHT結合, 減少對皮膚油脂腺的刺激, 從而減少
4) 產品不含paraben, sulfate and phthalates
# CLEAROGEN 是現時市面上唯一針對DHT的暗瘡護膚品, 真正從體內引起暗瘡的根源著手, 是治療暗瘡的新趨勢,尤其對因荷爾蒙而起的瘡特別有效~
" Although acne is blamed on bacteria and clogged pores, it, in fact, starts with stimulation of the oil glands by the hormonal by-product DHT. Stimulation of the oil glands by DHT leads to overproduction of oil and clogged pores, which allow bacteria to grow and cause the visible acne.
Clearogen’s Foaming Cleanser, Clarifying Toner and Acne Lotion work in conjunction to:
Clearogen’s Foaming Cleanser, Clarifying Toner and Acne Lotion work in conjunction to:
- Reduce DHT production and prevent excess oil production.
- Block Androgen Receptors to minimize oil gland stimulation.
- Open the pore and eliminate the acne causing bacteria Reduce the irritation and inflammation to allow the skin to fully repair itself.
Formulated by Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Alex Khadavi, Clearogen is designed to treat existing acne and prevent future breakouts. It combines the safest prescription-grade ingredients with natural botanical extracts, for a scientifically-proven treatment that cleans your skin gently and effectively, by addressing the root cause of embarrassing acne -- and not just its symptoms."
Cassandra Bankson/DiamondsAndHeels14
1) CLEAROGEN 3-step
Acne Treatment Set $870(包快遞順豐站自取) [預訂]
Set 裝包含:
1) Foaming
Cleanser 洗面泡 (125ml/4.2 oz) (含2% Salicylic acid)
2) Clarify Toner
爽膚水 (120ml/4 oz.) (含1% Salicylic acid)
3) Acne Lotion 暗瘡護理乳液 (55ml/1.8 oz.) (含2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide)
2) CLEAROGEN 3-step Acne Treatment Trial Set 體驗組 $560(包快遞順豐站自取) [預訂]
Trial Set 裝包含:
Set 裝包含:
1) Foaming Cleanser 洗面泡 (50ml/1.7 oz) (含2% Salicylic acid)
2) Clarify Toner 爽膚水 (60ml/2 oz.) (含1% Salicylic acid)
3) Acne Lotion 暗瘡護理乳液 (30ml/1 oz.) (含2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide)
3) CLEAROGEN Foaming Cleanser 洗面泡 $460 [預訂]
容量: 125ml/4.2 oz
4) CLEAROGEN Clarify Toner 爽膚水 $460 [預訂]
容量: 120ml/4 oz.
5) CLEAROGEN Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Lotion BP暗瘡護理乳液 $490 [預訂]
容量: 55ml/1.8 oz.
6) CLEAROGEN Sulfur Acne Lotion Sulfur暗瘡護理乳液 $490 [預訂]
容量: 55ml/1.8 oz.