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貨品到港後本店會先檢查其包裝外觀有否損毀, 確保貨品外觀完好再寄出, 但在此重申本店只為產品作代購並非產品生產商, 所以並不保證代購之產品內容物的品質/質素, 貨品出門怒不退款; 收到貨品後如客人發現品質有問題,本店會代客人聯絡品牌生產商/認可購物網站反映情況, 而至於能否成功換貨則完全視乎其決定; 若能換貨, 客人亦需自行負擔新貨運回香港所產生的運費,敬請注意,~

2014年12月19日 星期五

貨到/代購記錄: 20141219 Indeed labs,Suntegrity,EltaMD,philosophy,Aussie hair conditioner

~Indeed labs Hydraluron moisture serum
~Indeed labs Pepta-bright serum
~Suntegrity moisturising sunscreen & primer
~EltaMD Tinted UV Daily sunscreen
~Maybelline Fit Me concealer
~philosophy purity cleanser
~RT Blush brush
~Aussie 3min Miracle Moist hair conditioner

2014年11月3日 星期一

代購到貨: 台灣Paradiso Garden, 美國TARTE粉底,Real techniques 化妝掃,Beautyblender

~台灣Paradiso Garden 羽透光多效光采瞬白奇蹟組
~美國TARTE airbrush foundation & airbuki brush
~Real techniques 化妝掃
~Beautyblender micro mini

2014年10月27日 星期一

貨到/代購記錄: 20141027 美國TARTE 限量胭脂組,眼線液

     chic to cheek deluxe Amazonian clay blush set

2) lights, camera, lashes™ precision longwear liquid eyeliner

2014年10月21日 星期二

貨到/代購記錄: 20141021 美國代購 Michael Todd Organics, EltaMD & Acne.org

 Michael Todd true organics:
旅行裝 Blue Green Algae Toner
旅行裝 Charcoal Detoxifying Mask
旅行裝 Tropical Fruit FacialL Polish

 EltaMD UV Clear SPF46 防曬乳液

Acne.org 暗瘡組

2014年10月14日 星期二

貨到/代購記錄: 20141014 美國化妝品代購

Tarte 遮瑕膏,;
Real Techniques 化妝海綿,
Urban Decay de-slick 定妝噴霧;
Urban Decay 眼影打底霜
寶拉珍選 2%水楊酸煥采精華身體乳

2014年9月11日 星期四

代購 - 美國 CLEAROGEN 暗瘡護理, 根源打擊荷爾蒙瘡

CLEAROGEN 官網: http://www.clearogen.com/

CLEAROGEN: Hormonal Acne Solution

{treating existing acne +  preventing future breakouts}

CLEAROGEN 是產自美國的暗瘡護理品牌,  CLEAROGEN "雞尾酒療法", 採用不同治療暗瘡的有效成份,同時亦加入天然草本成份專門針對引起暗瘡的主要成因 "DHT", 全方面治療暗瘡, 尤其是由身體內荷爾蒙引致的石頭瘡 (: 成人痘/ 青春期暗瘡/ 生理痘)

一般大家都有聽過毛孔被油脂堵塞及 P. acnes 細菌會導致暗瘡, 但其實這兩種情況是起源於皮膚內油脂腺分泌過多油脂,而研究發現油脂分泌過盛是完全由身體內一種荷爾蒙副產品 "DHT" 造成的

"DHT or Dihydro-testosterone" 存在於所有人身體中,不論男女; 當處於青春期/女士生理期前後/荷爾蒙分泌不平衡時體內 DHT 的水平會升高並與依附於皮膚內油脂腺上的男性荷爾蒙感受體(androgen receptor)結合, 令到油脂腺受到過份的刺激而大量分泌油脂, 而因油脂位處毛孔深處, 不能靠洗面洗走, 所以若過多的油脂不斷堆積就會堵塞毛孔, 進一步當油脂接觸空氣氧化以及接觸 P. acnes 細菌後就會形成發炎甚至暗瘡所以 DHT 才是引致暗瘡的主要真正成因


{treating existing acne as well as preventing future breakouts}

1)  Clearogen 產品含有2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide, 能有效殺死皮膚上的P. acnes暗瘡菌, 加快已形成暗瘡的癒合;
2)   含有Salicylic acid (水楊酸), 水楊酸是脂溶性的,可以順著分泌油脂的皮脂腺滲入毛孔的深層,有利於溶解毛孔內老舊堆積的油脂和角質層,改善毛孔阻塞的情形; 另外水楊酸可以去除表皮多餘的角質層,同時促進表皮細胞快速更新
3) 獨特天然草本成份能降低體內DHT水平; 阻截男性荷爾蒙感受體  
  (androgen receptor)DHT結合, 減少對皮膚油脂腺的刺激, 從而減少 
4) 產品不含paraben, sulfate and phthalates

# CLEAROGEN 是現時市面上唯一針對DHT的暗瘡護膚品, 真正從體內引起暗瘡的根源著手, 是治療暗瘡的新趨勢,尤其對因荷爾蒙而起的瘡特別有效~

" Although acne is blamed on bacteria and clogged pores, it, in fact, starts with stimulation of the oil glands by the hormonal by-product DHT. Stimulation of the oil glands by DHT leads to overproduction of oil and clogged pores, which allow bacteria to grow and cause the visible acne.

Clearogen’s Foaming Cleanser, Clarifying Toner and Acne Lotion work in conjunction to:
  • Reduce DHT production and prevent excess oil production.
  • Block Androgen Receptors to minimize oil gland stimulation.
  • Open the pore and eliminate the acne causing bacteria Reduce the irritation and inflammation to allow the skin to fully repair itself.

Formulated by Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Alex Khadavi, Clearogen is designed to treat existing acne and prevent future breakouts. It combines the safest prescription-grade ingredients with natural botanical extracts, for a scientifically-proven treatment that cleans your skin gently and effectively, by addressing the root cause of embarrassing acne -- and not just its symptoms." 


Cassandra Bankson/DiamondsAndHeels14

2014年9月2日 星期二

2014年8月29日 星期五

代購 - O'r Bear Oil 韓國首創熊脂護膚,舒緩敏感皮膚炎濕疹肌

O'r Bear Oil 韓國官網品牌介紹 :
( O'r Bear Oil 香港 facebook page:)

韓國 O'r Company成功研製出熊脂護膚品,在全球首次以「 Bear Oil」為名,註 冊成為美國國際化妝品原料辭典( ICID)之認可成分。

而早於 400年前,韓國《東醫寶鑑》已記載「熊脂具有去除臉上的痣及癦斑功效,讓肌膚柔潤光滑」。另外,中國的《神農本草經》、古埃及的傳統療法亦提及熊脂的護膚功效。

熊脂( Bear Oil)是將熊的皮下脂肪精煉後,作為護膚品原料特製而成的天然精油。為了冬眠時保持體溫,熊的體內會產生豐富油脂提供營養及自然治癒肌膚炎症。根據研究 指出,熊脂跟人體皮下脂肪相近,能自然滲透肌膚底層,而不引起刺激。其 70%以上由不飽和脂肪酸構成,含有葡萄糖甘、 Omega 3及維生素 B等,有效補充水分及修復受損皮膚,特別對改善敏感肌膚和濕疹有效,成人甚至BB都適用

O'r Bear Oil護膚品以熊脂為主,混合堅果油、Lipid Barrier Complex、荷荷巴油及洋甘菊等植物成分,性質溫和。同時品牌產品獲韓國政府官方安全認證及通過皮膚測試(不含防腐劑、礦物油、人工香料、色素及酒精等刺激化學物)、臨床測試、食品藥品安全廳測試及認證、及皮膚炎療效測試,更榮獲 ISO 9001 國際標準認證!消費者大可用得安心,轉季或皮膚出現突發狀況時必備!。

2014年8月27日 星期三

貨到/代購記錄: 20140827 美國 Tarte, Glo Minerals, eltaMD

27.8.2014 arrival:
~ Glo Minerals under-eye concealer
~ eltaMD spf 41 粉底防曬霜
~ tarte (blush, butter lipstick, 12hr full coverage foundation)

2014年8月16日 星期六

貨到/代購記錄: 20140816 美國 Tarte cosmestics

~12 hr full coverage foundation;
~airbrush foundation;
~amazonian clay blush
~smoother operator finishing powder
~creaseless concealer

2014年8月6日 星期三

貨到/代購記錄: 20140806 EltaMD Tinted UV Daily SPF40

最新有色防曬配方, 添加了hyaluronic acid 透明質酸, 清爽透薄之餘又具保濕效果,

2014年7月31日 星期四

貨到/代購記錄: 30.7.2014 Tarte, Urban Decay & Maybelline

~ Tarte  Maracuja Creaseless Concealers
~ Tarte Airbrush foundation
~ Urban Decay De Slick makeup setting spray
~Maybelline Instant Age Rewind concealers

2014年7月23日 星期三

代購 - Medik8 Hydr8 B5 Serum (B5+透明質酸保濕精華)

Medik8 Hydr8 B5 Serum (B5+透明質酸保濕精華)

Medik8 是英國的一所皮膚研究公司,專門採用嶄新科技去識別和混合原材料的有效成分,針對最敏感的皮膚,開發具療效且著重效力的產品。

30ml 貨裝:  $520 包平郵


主要成份 : 維他命 B5(Pantothenic Acid)、透明質酸(Hyaluronic Acid)

~著名國際化妝師 Lisa Eldridge 都大力推介呢支oil-free 保濕精華, 特別係容易生暗瘡但又缺水需保濕的膚質使用 (acne prone but dehydrated skin)

~香港youtuber "neat freaks diary" 都有用呢支精華架

Skin Rehydration Serum with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin B5.

Using Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) to soften and Hyaluronic Acid to add much needed moisture, it keeps the skin hydrated around the clock.

If your skin is stressed and irritated, this product also contains anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe and heal the skin. This gel-formula is lightweight and oil-free, so it never lingers on the skin. Keeping your skin hydrated is important to maintain a smooth and line free skin texture.

Designed to offer effective hydration and relief to skin, Hydr8 B5 can restore the moisture balance in skin ranging from dry to oily. If you have dry skin, use this in conjunction with a moisturiser, or a perfect standalone product for those with oily or acneic skin.
  • Improves the skin’s resistance to stress and protects the skin from environmental damage
  • Enhances water retention in the skin cells
  • Suitable for all skin types
Use Hydr8 B5 in the morning or at night, to give your face superb protection and to achieve rebalanced levels of moisture that will maintain the skin’s hydration for up to 24 hours.

Paraben and fragrance free.

代購 - 美國專業天然物理防曬 Suntegrity Sunscreen

Suntegrity 美國官網:   http://www.suntegrityskincare.com/products

1) Suntegrity Natural Moisturizing Face Sunscreen & Primer SPF30  (50ml $450包平郵)

**texture 係白色cream 狀較杰身d, 除左油性膚質唔太建議外, 其他膚質敏感肌都ok**

Youtube review:
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbewYuArPjU

Suntegrity sunscreen 使用示範: 

#皮膚科醫生: 解釋物理防曬和化學防曬霜的正確使用方法及所需用量:
(物理防曬霜面部的用量只需為約5毫子大小, 是化學防曬霜的一半,就能提供所標示防曬值的保護)

此防曬榮獲 2013  Allure Best of Beauty Award - “Best Moisturizer with SPF”

~Suntegrity天然全物理面部防曬,含有效防曬成份 Zinc-Oxide 高達20%, 比市面上一般物理防曬更高,更能有效阻隔UVA和UVB;

 ~此防曬亦可當作妝前打底,因當中加入了透明質酸, 紅藻及多種有機成份, 提供皮膚額外保濕及舒緩, 所以不令皮膚泛油光或泛白, 撫平毛孔細紋。


~不含香料, 礦物油和有害物質

-不含易刺激皮膚的化學防曬成份, 特別適合敏感易泛紅的皮膚及妝前使用

2013 Allure Best of Beauty Award Winner!
Top Rated Face Sunscreen by the EWG/Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database! Received a #1 Rating for “Best Moisturizer with SPF” in the EWG’s 2011, 2012 & 2013 Sunscreen Guides.

A rich, non-greasy, “UV chemical-free” face sunscreen that offers Broad Spectrum Protection against damaging UVA & UVB rays. Infused with youth promoting antioxidants, this 3 in 1 product functions as a face moisturizer, sunscreen and make-up primer all in one. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, red algae and Certified Organic: aloe vera, jojoba, sunflower, pomegranate, cucumber, and green tea help provide additional sun protection, moisture and hydration. Non-nano sized zinc-oxide not only protects the skin from the damaging UV rays, but it also soothes and calms the skin. Zinc-oxide is known for it's anti-inflammatory properties that often help skin conditions like rosacea, acne, and melasma.
Carefully made for all skin types, it is:

- Free of: Parabens, Phthalates, Propylene Glycol, Mineral Oils, Synthetic Dyes, Sulfates, Paba, Titanium Dioxide, Nano-Particles and Chemical UV Absorbers.

- Vegan

- Non-toxic

- Creamy but Non-Greasy

- Light, Uplifting Citrus Scent

- Cruelty Free (PETA & Leaping Bunny Cert.)

Size: 1.7 oz / 50 ml

Active ingredient: Zinc-Oxide 20%

2) Suntegrity "5 In 1" Natural Moisturizing Face Sunscreen SPF30 - Tinted  (50ml $450包平郵)

youtube review: www.youtube.com/watch?v=os7B-Yd7FmU

 有色配方, 防曬之餘亦自然修飾膚色 (5個色: fair, light, golden light, medium, deep bronze)

Active ingredient: Zinc-Oxide 20%

An all in one, "UV Chemical-Free" Tinted Sunscreen/Beauty Benefit (BB) cream that treats, hydrates, protects, primes and covers the skin. Supercharged with youth promoting antioxidants that help to scavenge surface free radicals, this cream also provides mineral Broad Spectrum SPF 30 protection. Hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin, red algae and Certified Organic: aloe vera, jojoba, sunflower, pomegranate, cucumber, and green tea help provide additional sun protection and hydration. Non-nano sized zinc-oxide not only protects the skin from the damaging UV rays, but it also soothes and calms the skin. Zinc-oxide is known for it's anti-inflammatory properties that often help skin conditions like rosacea, acne, and melasma.

2014年7月10日 星期四

代購 - ANTIPODES 紐西蘭天然護膚品牌

如果有一向有follow 外國youtubers 對ANTIPODES 這個品牌應該不會陌生, 很多youtubers 都有推介, (e.g. Essiebutton, Lily Pebbles, VivannaDoesMakeup...) 大家可search youtube 睇下 reviews.

ANTIPODES 是來自西蘭的天然護膚品牌,。產品都含有精挑細選的活性植物成分,當中很多款都有營養豐富的牛油果油(Avocado oil),含有獨特的含蛋白質配方; 另外其中的Manuka Honey(麥蘆卡蜂蜜)蘊含非普通蜜糖可比的礦物質、維他命及天然氨基酸,Munaka Honey是西蘭毛利人傳統的治療成份,外用能達到清潔、消炎、深層潤澤同時抗氧化的效用。

ANTIPODES 的護膚產品成份天然,不會對皮膚做成負擔, 溫和呵護肌膚。

ANTIPODES 詳細的產品介紹亦可參閱品牌官網: http://www.antipodesnature.com/

1) Aura Manuka Honey Mask 75ml  $330

2) Grapeseed Butter Cleanser 75g  $370

3) Kiwi Seed Oil Eye Cream 30ml  $370

4) Joyous Protein-Rich Night Replenish Serum 30ml $530

5) Divine Face Oil -Organic Avocado Oil & Rosehip 30ml $290

6) Apostle Skin-Brightening & Tone Correcting Serum 30ml $600

7) Vanilla Pod Hydrating Day Cream 60ml  $400

8) Avocado Pear Nourishing Night Cream 60ml  $480